About Me

Cameron, 20, Honours English and History student at Mount Royal University. Somewhat of an aspiring writer. I like reading, music, and badly timed jokes. I spend a lot of my free time working on short stories, novels, and freelance writing. It is my goal to one day make a living as a writer. This blog doesn't really have a specific direction other than to provide me a place to air my thoughts and provide a platform for my writing. Expect some commentary on current events and discussions on books, movies, and television. Feel free to share my posts on social media, as I'm always looking for a wide readership.

Enjoy :)

For more pictures of yours truly (on a separate page because I cringe when people plaster images of themselves all over their website, and keeping it separate page allows me to be only half a hypocrite in my illogical mind) click here. For a picture of a blow dried cow, click here.

Pick the cow. It's a lot more interesting.


  1. Looking forward to all your posts!

  2. Hi Cameron. You're a great thoughtful writer, please keep it going!
